1. Preparation stage: Choose wood sawdust with higher hardness, because hardwood contains less resin and volatile components, and the quality of the produced charcoal is more stable and has stronger adhesion. Avoid using pine sawdust containing resin.
2. Carbonization process: Strictly control the carbonization temperature and carbonization time. Too high temperature will affect the density and hardness of charcoal, and short carbonization time will also affect the quality of charcoal, so the carbonization time and temperature should be adjusted according to the actual situation.
3. Cooling and post-processing: Place the taken out charcoal in a safe area for cooling to ensure that it reaches room temperature.
4. Quality control: Good charcoal should have a uniform appearance, no cracks and debris, and be relatively dense and heavy.
Project Progress:Put Into Production
Project Progress:Put Into Production
Project Progress:Put Into Production
Project Progress:Put Into Production